@extends('layout.app') @section('title') I need a Chef @endsection @section('content')

I need a Chef


Need a Chef or Cook?

Let us know via our enquiry form.

What are the next steps?
  • Initial consultation to assess your needs, timelines and eligibility.
  • If required, we will set you up as a Standard Business Sponsor.
  • Candidate profiles are sent to you and you make your selections for the Skype/Zoom interviews.
  • Candidates are selected and the Contract of Employment is drafted.
  • We apply for the candidate’s visa which takes normally 3-4 months to come through.
  • The candidate resigns from their current post and makes plans to arrive in Australia.
  • Follow-ups with both the candidate and yourself to ensure everything is running smoothly.
  • Payment of recruitment fee after 14 days.
@csrf @include('errors.error') @include('success.success')

Please fill-up the form

@php $code = Str::random(5); @endphp
@section('script') @endsection @endsection