'default_datetime_format' => 'D MMM YYYY, HH:mm',
// Direction, according to language
// (left-to-right vs right-to-left)
'html_direction' => 'ltr',
// ----
// ----
// Project name. Shown in the window title.
'project_name' => 'Backpack Admin Panel',
// When clicking on the admin panel's top-left logo/name,
// where should the user be redirected?
// The string below will be passed through the url() helper.
// - default: '' (project root)
// - alternative: 'admin' (the admin's dashboard)
'home_link' => '',
// Content of the HTML meta robots tag to prevent indexing and link following
'meta_robots_content' => 'noindex, nofollow',
// ---------
// ---------
// Show "Getting Started with Backpack" info block?
'show_getting_started' => env('APP_ENV') == 'local',
// ------
// ------
// CSS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's asset() helper
'styles' => [
'packages/backpack/base/css/bundle.css', // has primary color electric purple (backpack default)
// 'packages/backpack/base/css/blue-bundle.css', // has primary color blue
// Here's what's inside the bundle:
// 'packages/@digitallyhappy/backstrap/css/style.min.css',
// 'packages/animate.css/animate.min.css',
// 'packages/noty/noty.css',
// Load the fonts separately (so that you can replace them at will):
// Example (the fonts above, loaded from CDN instead)
// 'https://maxcdn.icons8.com/fonts/line-awesome/1.1/css/line-awesome-font-awesome.min.css',
// 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro:300,400,600,700,300italic,400italic,600italic',
// Example (load font-awesome instead of line-awesome):
// 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.10.2/css/all.min.css',
// CSS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's mix() helper
'mix_styles' => [ // file_path => manifest_directory_path
// 'css/app.css' => '',
// CSS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's @vite() helper
// Please note that support for Vite was added in Laravel 9.19. Earlier versions are not able to use this feature.
'vite_styles' => [ // resource file_path
// 'resources/css/app.css' => '',
// ------
// ------
// Menu logo. You can replace this with an
tag if you have a logo.
'project_logo' => 'Backpack',
// Show / hide breadcrumbs on admin panel pages.
'breadcrumbs' => true,
// Horizontal navbar classes. Helps make the admin panel look similar to your project's design.
'header_class' => 'app-header bg-light border-0 navbar',
// For background colors use: bg-dark, bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-danger, bg-warning, bg-success, bg-info, bg-blue, bg-light-blue, bg-indigo, bg-purple, bg-pink, bg-red, bg-orange, bg-yellow, bg-green, bg-teal, bg-cyan, bg-white
// For links to be visible on different background colors use: "navbar-dark", "navbar-light", "navbar-color"
// ----
// ----
// Body element classes.
'body_class' => 'app aside-menu-fixed sidebar-lg-show',
// Try sidebar-hidden, sidebar-fixed, sidebar-compact, sidebar-lg-show
// Sidebar element classes.
'sidebar_class' => 'sidebar sidebar-pills bg-light',
// Remove "sidebar-transparent" for standard sidebar look
// Try "sidebar-light" or "sidebar-dark" for dark/light links
// You can also add a background class like bg-dark, bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-danger, bg-warning, bg-success, bg-info, bg-blue, bg-light-blue, bg-indigo, bg-purple, bg-pink, bg-red, bg-orange, bg-yellow, bg-green, bg-teal, bg-cyan
// ------
// ------
// Footer element classes.
'footer_class' => 'app-footer d-print-none',
// hide it with d-none
// change background color with bg-dark, bg-primary, bg-secondary, bg-danger, bg-warning, bg-success, bg-info, bg-blue, bg-light-blue, bg-indigo, bg-purple, bg-pink, bg-red, bg-orange, bg-yellow, bg-green, bg-teal, bg-cyan, bg-white
// Developer or company name. Shown in footer.
'developer_name' => 'Cristian Tabacitu',
// Developer website. Link in footer. Type false if you want to hide it.
'developer_link' => 'http://tabacitu.ro',
// Show powered by Laravel Backpack in the footer? true/false
'show_powered_by' => true,
// -------
// -------
// JS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's asset() helper
'scripts' => [
// Backstrap includes jQuery, Bootstrap, CoreUI, PNotify, Popper
// examples (everything inside the bundle, loaded from CDN)
// 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js',
// 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.14.7/umd/popper.min.js',
// 'https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.3.1/js/bootstrap.min.js',
// 'https://unpkg.com/@coreui/coreui@2.1.16/dist/js/coreui.min.js',
// 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js',
// 'https://unpkg.com/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js',
// 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/noty/3.1.4/noty.min.js'
// examples (VueJS or React)
// 'https://unpkg.com/vue@2.4.4/dist/vue.min.js',
// 'https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.production.min.js',
// 'https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.production.min.js',
// JS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's mix() helper
'mix_scripts' => [ // file_path => manifest_directory_path
// 'js/app.js' => '',
// JS files that are loaded in all pages, using Laravel's @vite() helper
'vite_scripts' => [ // resource file_path
// 'resources/js/app.js',
// -------------
// -------------
// All JS and CSS assets defined above have this string appended as query string (?v=string).
// If you want to manually trigger cachebusting for all styles and scripts,
// append or prepend something to the string below, so that it's different.
'cachebusting_string' => \PackageVersions\Versions::getVersion('backpack/crud'),
| Registration Open
| Choose whether new users/admins are allowed to register.
| This will show the Register button on the login page and allow access to the
| Register functions in AuthController.
| By default the registration is open only on localhost.
'registration_open' => env('BACKPACK_REGISTRATION_OPEN', env('APP_ENV') === 'local'),
| Routing
// The prefix used in all base routes (the 'admin' in admin/dashboard)
// You can make sure all your URLs use this prefix by using the backpack_url() helper instead of url()
'route_prefix' => 'admin',
// The web middleware (group) used in all base & CRUD routes
// If you've modified your "web" middleware group (ex: removed sessions), you can use a different
// route group, that has all the the middleware listed below in the comments.
'web_middleware' => 'web',
// Or you can comment the above, and uncomment the complete list below.
// 'web_middleware' => [
// \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class,
// \Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\AddQueuedCookiesToResponse::class,
// \Illuminate\Session\Middleware\StartSession::class,
// \Illuminate\View\Middleware\ShareErrorsFromSession::class,
// \App\Http\Middleware\VerifyCsrfToken::class,
// ],
// Set this to false if you would like to use your own AuthController and PasswordController
// (you then need to setup your auth routes manually in your routes.php file)
// Warning: if you disable this, the password recovery routes (below) will be disabled too!
'setup_auth_routes' => true,
// Set this to false if you would like to skip adding the dashboard routes
// (you then need to overwrite the login route on your AuthController)
'setup_dashboard_routes' => true,
// Set this to false if you would like to skip adding "my account" routes
// (you then need to manually define the routes in your web.php)
'setup_my_account_routes' => true,
// Set this to false if you would like to skip adding the password recovery routes
// (you then need to manually define the routes in your web.php)
'setup_password_recovery_routes' => true,
| Security
// Backpack will prevent visitors from requesting password recovery too many times
// for a certain email, to make sure they cannot be spammed that way.
// How many seconds should a visitor wait, after they've requested a
// password reset, before they can try again for the same email?
'password_recovery_throttle_notifications' => 600, // time in seconds
// How much time should the token sent to the user email be considered valid?
// After this time expires, user needs to request a new reset token.
'password_recovery_token_expiration' => 60, // time in minutes
// Backpack will prevent an IP from trying to reset the password too many times,
// so that a malicious actor cannot try too many emails, too see if they have
// accounts or to increase the AWS/SendGrid/etc bill.
// How many times in any given time period should the user be allowed to
// attempt a password reset? Take into account that user might wrongly
// type an email at first, so at least allow one more try.
// Defaults to 3,10 - 3 times in 10 minutes.
'password_recovery_throttle_access' => '3,10',
| Authentication
// Fully qualified namespace of the User model
'user_model_fqn' => config('auth.providers.users.model'),
// 'user_model_fqn' => App\User::class, // works on Laravel <= 7
// 'user_model_fqn' => App\Models\User::class, // works on Laravel >= 8
// The classes for the middleware to check if the visitor is an admin
// Can be a single class or an array of classes
'middleware_class' => [
// \Backpack\CRUD\app\Http\Middleware\UseBackpackAuthGuardInsteadOfDefaultAuthGuard::class,
// Alias for that middleware
'middleware_key' => 'admin',
// Note: It's recommended to use the backpack_middleware() helper everywhere, which pulls this key for you.
// Username column for authentication
// The Backpack default is the same as the Laravel default (email)
// If you need to switch to username, you also need to create that column in your db
'authentication_column' => 'email',
'authentication_column_name' => 'Email',
// Backpack assumes that your "database email column" for operations like Login and Register is called "email".
// If your database email column have a different name, you can configure it here. Eg: `user_mail`
'email_column' => 'email',
// The guard that protects the Backpack admin panel.
// If null, the config.auth.defaults.guard value will be used.
'guard' => 'backpack',
// The password reset configuration for Backpack.
// If null, the config.auth.defaults.passwords value will be used.
'passwords' => 'backpack',
// What kind of avatar will you like to show to the user?
// Default: gravatar (automatically use the gravatar for their email)
// Other options:
// - null (generic image with their first letter)
// - example_method_name (specify the method on the User model that returns the URL)
'avatar_type' => 'gravatar',
// Gravatar fallback options are 'identicon', 'monsterid', 'wavatar', 'retro', 'robohash', 'blank'
// 'blank' will keep the generic image with the user first letter
'gravatar_fallback' => 'blank',
| Theme (User Interface)
// Change the view namespace in order to load a different theme than the one Backpack provides.
// You can create child themes yourself, by creating a view folder anywhere in your resources/views
// and choosing that view_namespace instead of the default one. Backpack will load a file from there
// if it exists, otherwise it will load it from the default namespace ("backpack::").
'view_namespace' => 'backpack::',
// EXAMPLE: if you create a new folder in resources/views/vendor/myname/mypackage,
// your namespace would be the one below. IMPORTANT: in this case the namespace ends with a dot.
// 'view_namespace' => 'vendor.myname.mypackage.',
// Tell Backpack to look in more places for component views (like widgets)
'component_view_namespaces' => [
'widgets' => [
'backpack::widgets', // falls back to 'resources/views/vendor/backpack/base/widgets'
| File System
// Backpack\Base sets up its own filesystem disk, just like you would by
// adding an entry to your config/filesystems.php. It points to the root
// of your project and it's used throughout all Backpack packages.
// You can rename this disk here. Default: root
'root_disk_name' => 'root',
| Backpack Token Username
| If you have access to closed-source Backpack add-ons, please provide
| your token username here, if you're getting yellow alerts on your
| admin panel's pages. Normally this is not needed, it is
| preferred to add this as an environment variable
| (most likely in your .env file).
| More info and payment form on:
| https://www.backpackforlaravel.com
'token_username' => env('BACKPACK_TOKEN_USERNAME', false),