You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2 years ago
* Configurations for Backpack's ListOperation.
* @see
return [
// Define the size/looks of the content div for all CRUDs
// To override per view use $this->crud->setListContentClass('class-string')
'contentClass' => 'col-md-12',
// enable the datatables-responsive plugin, which hides columns if they don't fit?
// if not, a horizontal scrollbar will be shown instead
'responsiveTable' => true,
// stores pagination and filters in localStorage for two hours
// whenever the user tries to see that page, backpack loads the previous pagination and filtration
'persistentTable' => true,
// show search bar in the top-right corner?
'searchableTable' => true,
// the time the table will be persisted in minutes
// after this the table info is cleared from localStorage.
// use false to never force localStorage clear. (default)
// keep in mind: User can clear their localStorage whenever they want.
'persistentTableDuration' => false,
// How many items should be shown by default by the Datatable?
// This value can be overwritten on a specific CRUD by calling
// $this->crud->setDefaultPageLength(50);
'defaultPageLength' => 10,
// A 1D array of options which will be used for both the displayed option and the value, or
// A 2D array in which the first array is used to define the value options and the second array the displayed options
// If a 2D array is used, strings in the right hand array will be automatically run through trans()
'pageLengthMenu' => [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, 'backpack::crud.all']],
// How important is it for the action buttons to be visible?
// - 0 - most important
// - 1 - as important as bulk buttons
// - 2-3 - more important than the rest of the columns
// - 4 - less important than most columns
'actionsColumnPriority' => 1,
// Show a "Reset" button next to the List operation subheading
// (Showing 1 to 25 of 9999 entries. Reset)
// that allows the user to erase local storage for that datatable,
// thus clearing any searching, filtering or pagination that has been
// remembered and persisted using persistentTable
'resetButton' => true,
// The query operator that is used to search on the table.
// If you are using PostgreSQL you might want to change
// to `ilike` for case-insensitive search
'searchOperator' => 'like',
// Display the `Showing X of XX entries (filtered from X entries)`?
// Setting this to false will improve performance on big datasets.
'showEntryCount' => true,